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Annual Assessment

Annual Assessment 

As part of keeping your health as good as possible, we organise a yearly assessment. At the clinic before your annual assessment is due, we will discuss with you what tests we would like you to have, and how we can fit everything in around your life. Every year, we aim to get results from tests such as:

  • bloods
  • chest x-ray
  • ultrasound
  • diabetic screening

We also aim to get full lung function tests, overnight oxygen levels and a bone density scan about every three years. The results are discussed at your next clinic appointment, and we give you copies of your results to keep.

These tests monitor for any early signs of Cystic Fibrosis related conditions, such as diabetes and liver disease, and are important for your long term health, but we understand they can take up a lot of time and we hope to work together to make the process as easy as possible. At least once a year we also offer you the opportunity to have longer physiotherapy, dietetic and psychology appointments to review these areas of your care.